I am the bread of life

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35, NRSVUE) During survival training in the Rocky Mountains, the cadets return to camp on Sunday morning for worship services. They have spent a week in the…

Take the 2023 Community Survey

As we continue to plan this year’s programming, we are seeking feedback from the Room for All community to improve the support, education and advocacy we offer. The 2023 Community Survey opens today at www.RoomforAll.com/survey. We want to hear from you! The results of this survey will inform our priorities, as well as letting us…

ShopRfA is Here

A new way to show your support and sustain our mission has arrived! Room for All is excited to announce the launch of our new year-round merchandise shop, located on RedBubble at redbubble.com/people/shopRfA/Explore. New designs created by RfA staff are available on hats, shirts, tote bags, stickers and more, all available now. When you purchase…

Celebrating Advent with the Dawn Chorus

Every year, the weeks ahead of Christmas are filled with eager anticipation, and the traditions that we keep and create. One such tradition that extends through the wintertime in my family is feeding and watching out for the birds that come to visit us here in the Northeast. The simple wonders are often the sweetest!…

Transgender Day of Remembrance

With the arrival of November, we’ll soon be upon Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). Observed annually on November 20th, TDOR is a day to mourn and honor the lives of the vibrant, beloved transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming people lost to violence and suicide in the year prior. The date marks the birthday of Rita…

Announcing Miscast Cabaret Schenectady: Auditions Open!

First Reformed Church of Schenectady and Room for All are partnering to host an in-person Miscast Cabaret to celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month on Saturday, June 25, 2022. Miscast refers to an intentional subverting of previous casting in a theatrical performance. Currently, organizers are calling for auditions from volunteer performers, who will be supported as they…