Another Church for the RfA Roster

We celebrate with the congregation of the Flatbush Reformed Church in Brooklyn, NY, for their consistory’s decision to join the roster of “Room for All Churches,” those RCA congregations (now 24) that wish to be publicly known for their full affirmation and welcome of people of all sexual identities and gender expressions.

New Process for Rostering

In response to trends in the ecumenical welcoming church movement, along with listening to RCA churches who are exploring what it might mean to publicly identify as a welcoming and affirming congregation, we have adapted the process for becoming a “Room for All” church.  We invite you to select the “Welcoming & Affirming Congregations” drop-down…

Conference Afterwords

Full evaluations and photos are yet to come, and reflections need time to form.  We’ll share all of these and more as they emerge, but for a beginning, there’s this… “Spent today at an amazing conference called Room for All.  I am a beautiful mess after attending. I am wrecked, in a good way. God,…

Conference Schedule

Thanks for the feedback!  Here’s the schedule for the RfA conference next week: Thursday, October 24 3:30                          Opening Reception with refreshments, exhibits and book table 5:30                          Dinner 7:00                          Opening Worship Friday, October 25 7:30 – 8:30             Breakfast 8:30 – 10:00          Plenary Session 1– Panel: “The RCA and Same-Sex Relationships” – General Secretaries Emeriti Wesley…

RfA in the News

Here’s an article about our upcoming conference that appeared in a local W. Michigan paper.  If you live in the Grand Rapids area, we hope you’ll join us for the two events that are free and open to the public during the conference!

Grace Abounds

Registration for “Making Room for All 2013” closed as of yesterday, and we’re no longer able to accept registrations that include meals or housing.  However, it’s still possible for walk-ins to join us and pay-per-workshop.  Send us an email at,  or simply come on Oct. 24 and we’ll settle up then.  Also, be aware…

Conference Registration Update

Sign-ups are still coming in for “Making Room for All: 2013,” but we regret that the opportunities for travel scholarships, housing at the conference hotel and local host homes have now closed.  However, registration for the conference w/meals is open until Oct. 15, so there’s still time!  If you live near Grand Rapids but can’t…

Conference Press Release

Here’s a press release that went out today to Michigan media.  If you know of others who should receive it, please share widely! “Making Room for All: 2013” will be held in Grand Rapids October 24 – 26 at Central Reformed Church.  The conference is the third national gathering sponsored by Room for All, a…

Are You Coming?

There’s room for all at RfA’s national conference!  If you need housing in the conference hotel or in a host home, we must have your registration before Oct. 5.  If you need help with travel, the deadline is tomorrow, Oct. 1 at 5 PM EST.  If you’re commuting (and want in on chef Paul’s cuisine),…