Progress Report

Thank you to the fourteen individuals/groups who have already contributed to “Table Furnishing,” our 2013 conference underwriting campaign.  Even if you’re not able to attend “Making Room for All 2013” (but we hope you are!), your gift in any amount will make it possible for students at RCA or CRC colleges and seminaries to attend…

2013 National Conference Registration

Online registration for “Making Room for All 2013” will begin on Monday, July 15th at  After you register, you will receive a confirmation email that contains information about need-based travel scholarships.  Also, here is detailed information about speakers and workshops.  Mail-in registration will also be available soon, along with a publicity brochure & poster.

Synod Delegates Respond

Thank you to those RfA supporters who are delegates at General Synod, and who have come up to us with checks in hand in response to our appeal for underwriting the 2013 national conference.  What a wonderful gift in the context of an RCA gathering!  We have distributed many RfA pins and other materials, and…

Table Furnishing

“TABLE FURNISHING” RfA National Conference Underwriting Campaign  Everyone who seeks to follow Jesus deserves to be welcomed in the Body of Christ, at the Table of Christ.  Participants at Room for All’s national conferences come to the Lord’s Table with the full spectrum of Christ-followers, a sacramental enactment of God’s radical welcome that some have…

Registration is Open for BIC in Ada, MI

RfA will sponsor a “Building an Inclusive Church” workshop on Friday evening/Saturday, November 8th & 9th, at The Community, an RCA ministry in Ada, Michigan.  Online or mail-in registration forms are now posted here.  These workshops are opportunities for church members and pastors to gain skills in shepherding a congregational exploration that emphasizes graceful engagement…

Parading Jesus’ Love

Rev. Cari Keith, an RfA Board member from Upstate NY, walked in her first Gay Pride parade last Sunday.  We’ll let readers of her story decide who was more blessed by the experience: Gay Pride Parade – New Paltz, NY, June 2nd, 2013 A rainbow scarf around my neck and 100 rainbow hearts emblazoned with…

Unpacking an Inclusive Church

What’s it like for a gay Christian when his church is about to vote on becoming a “Room for All” rostered church? A year after the Reformed Church of New Paltz, NY took that vote, Kyle Pogemiller told Sunday worshipers what he experienced when that decision was being made.  “As a gay Christian, I know…