RfA in West Michigan

The W. Michigan RfA regional group reminds area supporters that today at 4-6 pm Dr. James Brownson will be discussing his book, “Bible, Gender and Sexuality” at Eerdmans’ Bookstore , 2140 Oak Industrial Drive NE, Grand Rapids. The book will be available on-site at 40% off list price. On Thursday, 5/30 – 7-9pm. “Gay and…

Vision and Mission Statements

The Room for All board is excited to take up the priorities which we discerned at our March 2013 strategic planning meeting.  The first was to clarify our vision and mission statements.  You may find those statements here, or in the “About” tab at the top of our homepage.

Sense Something?

Do you sense “something” calling you toward a more LGBT-inclusive welcome in your congregation?   Are there a few others who hear that voice?  Chances are, your church isn’t ready to host a full “Building an Inclusive Church” workshop, but you might benefit from a mini-introduction to some of the BIC tools.  RfA leaders are…

“Hearts Unbound” is Out

We’ve been waiting to announce this!  “Hearts Unbound” is a new “reader’s theater” Bible study resource made available by our colleagues at the Institute for Welcoming Resources.  Each session celebrates a biblical story of God’s overwhelming, radical love, challenging the binding notions of who’s “in” and “out” in God’s realm.  Read more and get the…

Three More Days

By request, we’ve extended the registration deadline for the “Building an Inclusive Church” workshop in New Paltz, NY May 3&4.  Come and join others who have already signed up from the RCA, PCUSA, ELCA and UMC to learn how to create an open and affirming climate in your congregation!  Register online here by Saturday, April…

Signs of Renewal

In this Easter season of already-accomplished new life, we give thanks for the ever-emerging signs of hope for LGBT inclusiveness in the RCA and the church at large.   We invite you to be an embodiment of that hope in your family, your church, your campus.