New Resource on Scripture

We’ve added a new resource, “Scripture and Moral Discernment,” which was released in January, 2013.  Written by representatives of the four Formula of Agreement denominations, the study seeks to address the things that the four communions hold in common regarding Scripture, including what Scripture says and how it functions.

Online Registration is Up

“Building an Inclusive Church” workshops are scheduled this spring in Metuchen NJ (April 19/20) and New Paltz NY (May 3/4).  RfA trainers will lead these ecumenical opportunities to learn how to widen your congregation’s welcome to LGBT persons, families and allies.  Online or mail-in registration forms are now available through the Institute for Welcoming Resources.

RfA Board to Consider Next Steps

The Room for All Board of Directors will meet in New Brunswick, NJ this weekend for an opportunity to review our beginnings, consider where we have come since 2005, and where we sense the Spirit’s call to future ministry within the RCA.  Thank you to NBTS for providing space for our meeting, and to Dr.…

Thanks for Visiting RfA’s New Site

Thanks are due to all the creative and supportive people “behind the screens” of our new website.  The site was created by Sandy Alexander, Creative Director at  Flexweb Custom Web & Marketing Solutions ( and funded by a grant from the Collegiate Church Corporation of New York City.  Special thanks to Pietr Redlinkski and Beatrice…

Building an Inclusive Church Training

Do you want to explore ways to widen your congregation’s welcome to LGBT persons and families? We’re delighted to announce two new BIC workshops, to take place April 19-20 at The Reformed Church of Metuchen, NJ and May 3-4 at The Reformed Church of New Paltz, NY. Contact us with questions; registration will be available…

Here’s the latest RfA newsletter

The gathering theme of the Winter 2013 issue is “Ways Forward.”  Read a reflection on the R-28 task force, a pastor’s story of exile and new life, a review of Justin Lee’s new book, “Torn,” plans for the 2013 national conference, new “Building an Inclusive Church” workshops and much more.  Help us share this resource…

Ecumenical Service of Celebration

Room for All is delighted to be part of the GLBT Celebration – Communion – Compassion event taking place on Saturday, February 9th at the Reformed Church of Highland Park, NJ.  Networking at 6 pm, Worship at 7 pm, Reception at 8:30 pm. The event will mark the great progress that has been made toward…

New Board Members

The RfA Board welcomes new members Carl Haan, Tricia Sheffield and Cameron Van Kooten to three-year terms; read about them here. We also offer our sincere gratitude to outgoing members Cyndi Boertje, Tom Goodhart and David Van Heest, all of whom have offered significant energy and unique gifts to this ministry for six years. Thank…