Gift from a Faithful Pastor

Room for All is grateful to the Rev. Carl Kleis, a retired RCA pastor and former RfA Board member, for the gift that he gave to the church and to the Classis of Delaware-Raritan at their May 8th, 2012 meeting.  At the end of the meeting, Carl asked for the privilege of the floor, and…

Room for All Christian Camp Brochure

The Room for All Christian Camp, a ministry for LGBTQ high school students in search of God, has a new brochure and is now accepting applications for this year’s camp on August 19-25.   The camp is a ministry of the Reformed Church of Highland Park, NJ, and Room for All has a supporting covenant relationship…

Another rostered church!

Old Dutch Reformed Church in Kingston, NY, joins as the 18th congregation to join the roster of “Room for All Churches” — publicly welcoming and affirming congregations in the Reformed Church in America.  See the complete roster here; for more information, here’s a place to begin.

Two More “Building an Inclusive Church” Trainings

Gain skills and insights for furthering the conversation about LGBT inclusion in your congregation!  Information about the BIC trainings in Oakland, NJ (Sept. 13-15) and Grand Rapids, MI (Oct. 25-27) is now available.  To download flyers, and to register, go to where you may print the registration form, or submit online.  And if you…

Resources for Talking to Children

Yet another LGBT teen suicide reminds us that teaching children about sexual orientation & gender diversity is no longer an option; it is imperative at home AND in church. A wonderful resource is available to help in both settings, “All God’s Children,” by Melany Burrill. It’s available at Amazon for $7, but you can get…

Room for All in Pella, Iowa

People of faith in Iowa are grieving over the suicide of another gay teen, this time in their own state. The Room for All regional group in Pella will be meeting on Thursday, April 26 at 7 pm in the meeting room at the Pella public library. Although this meeting was planned weeks ago, it…

Deadline extended

The registration deadline for the April 12-14 “Building an Inclusive Church” training at First Reformed Church, New Brunswick NJ has been extended to allow for those who just learned about the event. But please don’t delay! Register here.

Honoring Past Board Members

As RfA regretfully accepted Rev. Adriene Thorne’s recent need to step down from the RfA Board of Directors in order to faithfully attend to her pastoral and family commitments, we are mindful of all of our past Board members who have helped shape our organization and who continue to support our ministry in countless ways.…

Great News about BIC Trainings

Great news! IWR has extended the registration deadline for the April 12-14 BIC training in New Brunswick, NJ. But in order to finalize the hospitality details, we ask interested persons not to delay. Please go to to register asap. Also, we’re getting close to beginning registration for three more trainings: September in Oakland, NJ,…

Registration Deadline Approaching

April 2nd is the last day to register for the “Building an Inclusive Church” training event in New Brunswick, NJ on April 12-14. Join with others who want to explore ways to foster dialogue about LGBT inclusion in your congregation. You may register online at, or go to that link to print out a…