National Conference Registration is Open!

RfA’s powerhouse conference is coming Sept. 28-30 in Holland, Michigan!  Discounted rates are available until July 28, and early registration is especially important for those needing a hotel room!  All you need to know about the conference is here, and online registration is here. Printed registration brochures will be mailed to RfA rostered churches; let…

Beyond the Amendments

Room for All is grateful to confirm that two proposed amendments to the RCA Book of Church Order that would have proscribed and enforced the prohibition of same-sex marriage ceremonies in RCA congregations have failed to garner a two-thirds majority of classis approvals required for ratification and are therefore defeated. (As of March 21, amendment…

Two New Resources for our Life Together

In our mission for LGBTQ affirmation, RfA supports, educates, and advocates.  Sometimes those are disparate activities, but now and then they come together in one initiative or resource.  This month, we have circulated two resources that, we believe, fall into all three categories. You’ll find the greeting offered below, “On Being Touched,” along with recent…