Room for All supports the Black Lives Matter movement.
As America has recently begun to grapple with the reality that black and brown people have known here for centuries, we feel it is important to share our unequivocal support for this justice movement. For far too long, white supremacy has been the status quo of the United States, the Reformed Church in America, and much of the world. This is antithetical to the message of Scripture and antithetical to the ideals Room for All strives for.
We would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge the ways that the LGBTQIA community has also continually resorted to white supremacy and the oppression of our black queer-identified siblings. Room for All has not been immune to this, and we are deeply sorry for the ways we have upheld this injustice while also claiming there is room for all in the Reformed Church. We are grateful to have been given continued opportunities to learn how to be better allies to the black queer community.
The seventeen names listed above are only a few of the recent victims of white supremacy and/or police violence in the United States. While some are names that have been on every television set and headline, others are just a few of the black transgender individuals whose murders have not received the press attention they deserved. We are particularly mindful of our black and brown trans siblings as they navigate a world even more hostile to their bodies and lives.
Room for All is recommitting ourselves to seeking an anti-racist future both for our own organization and the Reformed Church in America. The queer community and the black community are not separate; there is not room for all until there is room for black lives.