And the rest

“…With Gilligan, the Skipper too, a millionaire and his wife, a movie star, the professor and Mary Ann, here on Gilligan’s Isle….” This list of names is, of course, a portion of the well-known theme song for the 1960’s show Gilligan’s Island. Something of a “sleeper classic,” the show featured a delightfully predictable premise: what…

Out on the Line

In my opinion and that of many others, General Synod 2016 was an unmitigated “train wreck” for LGBTQ Christians and their allies, and for the unity and ultimate fate of the RCA. For me, as I watched a steady stream of conservatives make their way to the microphones to insult our intelligence and knowledge of Scripture by reading…

Norm Kansfield with his wife Mary and daughter Ann

A Note of Encouragment

The following was sent to Room for All from Rev. Dr. Norm and Mary Kansfield. Norm is a former president of New Brunswick Theological Seminary and former General Synod Professor of Theology. Mary continues to serve faithfully as Room for All’s historian and archivist. They are both founding board members of Room for All. Room…

General Synod Day 6

Today outsights welcomes RfA’s Executive Director, Marilyn Paarlberg, who, along with others, represented RfA at General Synod this year. Prayer After General Synod, 2016 (Based on “God of the Sparrow,” a hymn by Jaroslav Vajda. Tune: Roeder, by Carl Schalk. # 272 in Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs.) God of the lesbian, God of the gay, God…

General Synod Day 4

Today OUTsights welcomes guest blogger, Synod guest, and board member Deb Tiemens.     When Room for All asked for space in which to hold an inclusive worship service today (the first Sunday of General Synod), the request was denied.  We instead worshipped and celebrated in the great outdoors, regardless of the wind and uncertain elements.…

General Synod Day 3

This weekend, delegates from around the United States and Canada will convene in Palos Heights, Illinois to begin the Reformed Church in America’s General Synod. Over the course of these 6 days, OUTsights will be hosting reflections and prayers from Room for All board members and staff that are present as delegates or guests. Today…