Powerful. Engaging. Insightful. Spirit-filled. Spirit-led. Profound.
I enjoyed learning the new songs/hymns, and they will be a great resource to use in the future.
The worship experiences are highlights. The music was fantastic. Overall this was the best conference for linking with the arts. The liturgy, music and sermons were all very powerful. Adrienne did a masterful job of linking the Gospel texts with her own personal life and with our corporate Christian community as well.
As always, this conference was uplifting and encouraging. Overall it is one of the best spiritual experiences of the year. To be an environment where inclusivity is the rule is to be touched by God’s kingdom.
My favorite thing about the conference was just being able to meet and fellowship with people, see that it is possible to be both gay and Christian and that one day I can find a church that will accept my girlfriend and me with open arms and we can feel welcome and find a church home. Seeing so many welcoming folks has made me feel more ready to come out because if I am as rejected by my family like I feel I will be, it is possible for me to find people who will support me and welcome me nonetheless.
This conference was so wonderful and I am so thankful that you provided us with the opportunity to come to this conference! I am very, very grateful!!
Thank you!!