Coming soon! “Body and Soul: We Belong,” RfA’s new video resource that examines central themes of Reformed faith as they pertain to LGBTQ inclusiveness, will be available on RfA’s website on March 1st, either as a free download or a for-purchase DVD. A 6-session discussion guide is included.
The seed for the project was planted in 2011, when a supporter asked if there were anyRCA-specific resources available to inform our denominational conversation about same-sex relationships, taking into account Reformed theological foundations. “I know there are lots of resources out there,” the caller acknowledged, “but it would be great to know what RCA people think, and whether our Reformed identity sheds any light on the current debate about LGBTQ inclusion.”
The caller’s question percolated as subsequent conversations took place with RfA Board members, supporters, pastors and RCA theologians. Thanks to their initial input, it became apparent that such a resource not only did not exist, but would be a welcome addition. In 2012 a generous grant from the Collegiate Church Corporation gave us the green light to move forward. After months of research and careful collaboration with a production team from Parachute LLC in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the project took shape. Six themes central to Reformed faith were identified and linked to our confessions and liturgies; six contemporary “parables” opening a conversation about each theme were scripted; actors were hired and filmed; a diverse group of twelve RCA members agreed to reflect on film about their understanding of each theme; RfA Board members set to work writing a discussion guide based on the parables, conversations, RCA confessions and liturgies. Room for All’s webmaster created an attractive “launch pad” for the series; a Board member created a DVD label and case cover. Finally, after months of hard work and prayer, the project will “go live” on March 1st, 2014!
RfA is grateful to all whose support has made this exciting project a reality. Our hope and prayer is that this resource will enable grace-filled conversation in a variety of small-group settings in RCA congregations, campuses and assemblies, as together we seek a way forward as the Body of Christ in the RCA.