On September 23 – 25, 2016, Room for All will offer our first BIC workshop geared specifically for RCA congregations within a particular Regional Synod.
We’ve been offering BIC workshops for several years now, in cooperation with our ministry partners from other denominational welcoming programs. These events draw participants from RCA churches, as well as others from the local ecumenical community, all of whom want to explore a congregational process toward becoming welcoming and affirming of LGBTQ people. Although we have no plans to discontinue these ecumenical opportunities, this new format will take advantage of the collegiality within RCA Regional Synods, while responding to requests from congregations within that Synod for help in becoming a “Room for All” church.
We’re delighted to schedule our first such event for the Regional Synod of Albany, and grateful to Camp Fowler for offering the beautiful Chi Rho adult retreat facility for the event. Here is logistical information about the workshop, and here is a registration form. One form is required for each participant. The per-person cost is $100, which covers two nights’ lodging and five meals.
THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 2ND, AND REGISTRATION IS FIRST-COME, FIRST- SERVED! If you have questions, please contact RfA’s Community Coordinator, Cameron Van Kooten, at cameron@roomforall.com, or 201-803-9738.