Faith Based Organizations
Church Clarity is an organization that believes churches should be transparent about their inclusion, and makes that possible through their searchable online directory.
The Institute for Welcoming Resources has a state-based Find A Welcoming Congregation Map.
Similar to Room for All, there are as many groups working for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in their denominations as there are denominations! Here are just a few of our partners in this work:
United Church of Christ (ONA)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Presbyterian Church USA (More Light)
Reconciling Works (Lutheran)
Reconciling Ministries Network (United Methodist Church)
Disciples programs
National LGBTQIA+ Organizations
Beloved Arise is an ecumenical Christian organization devoted to celebrating and empowering LGBTQ+ youth of faith. They host virtual support groups for youth and have free downloadable publications, with paperback copies available as well. They also have a private Youth Pastor Network that is free to join!
Centerlink is the National Organization of LGBTQ+ Resource Centers, and maintains a map and directory of Centers throughout the USA. They also run additional survey efforts and programing, including a secure, accessible online LGBTQ+ youth chat space called Q Chat Space.
Blind LGBT Pride International and Deaf Queers are two national organizations that seek to support the specific needs of our disabled LGBTQ+ friends and family.
InterACT Advocates for Intersex Youth and provides lots of additional information about the Intersex Community.
Familia TQLM is an advocacy organization dedicated to supporting the Trans & Queer Latinx Community.
Gender Spectrum is a leading resource for creating all kinds of gender inclusive environments and supporting youth on their journeys.
PFLAG is the oldest organization in the world of parents who love and affirm their LGBTQ+ children!
Strong Family Alliance has a simple mission – to save lives and preserve families by supporting parents and children coming out. They do this by providing a bevy of real stories, resources and hope to families navigating these topics.
SAGE is an organization that supports our aging LGBTQ+ friends and family members through localized chapter programming, including a hotline at 877 360-5428.
Their Guide to Rights and Resources
The Trevor Project is a national LGBTQ+ youth focused suicide prevention and advocacy organization. Youth can reach confidential 24/7 support by texting “START” to 678-678, calling 1 866 488-7386, or using the online chat.
The Trans Lifeline is created by and for adults 18+ who are transgender and is non-law enforcement reporting to those in crisis. (877) 565 8860
The Trans Lifeline organization also keeps track of name and gender marker change requirements by state through their ID Change Library as well as providing micro grants to cover the cost for trans people struggling to afford documentation updates.