Insight – perception into the heart of the matter.

That’s what we envision for outsights, RfA’s forum for ​​insights by people who identify as LGBTQ or allies. ​Informed reflections about ​sexuality, gender and faith, about Room for All’s mission and ministry, about RCA conversations and developments regarding sexuality. Insights through an “out” lens.

Opinions expressed are solely those of outsights contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Room for All.

Giving Tuesday 2024 recap

Room for All is grateful to announce that we raised just over $5,000 on Giving Tuesday 2024, matching the generous $2,500 pledge from Sarah and Tim Elzinga, Jon and Marla Lunderberg, and Dawn Tillema, all of Central Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, MI. We received 11 donations over $150, which qualified those donors to receive…


So much to say about Cecilia

I was sitting at my table, doing the lunchtime scroll when I saw the news: Cecilia Gentili was gone. The shout of grief was immediate, loud enough to disturb my wife upstairs, but this loss still seems impossible. She had just turned 52 on January 31st, and her Instagram shows that she had a fabulous…


Rev. Dr. Norman Kansfield (1940-2024)

Room for All mourns the death of the Rev. Dr. Norman Kansfield on January 27, 2024. It was Norm’s courage that ultimately brought Room for All into existence. In fact, our organization’s original name was “friends of Norm.” And indeed, we remain friends of Norm. He was a theological giant, and a man of incredible…


What ARE you Waiting for?

When I hopped on a Zoom call with some of our dedicated Board Members this week, there was a good chuckle that Christmas decorations have already appeared behind me in my office. I can’t help it! My mom will tell you that since I was a kid, the wheels have started turning in my head…



May 17 is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT*). Started in 1990 and adapted to advocate for protection of the larger community over the years, this is a day that calls LGBTQIA+ people and their allies to action. Commit some time today to learning about the issues facing the community where you are,…


I am hopeful

When I was assigned to write the response to the John 11:25-26 passage, I didn’t know that the day before Easter we’d be burying my grandmother. Reading the words that Rev. Katherine Lee Baker shared with us yesterday brings forth such a mixture of feelings, both peaceful and painful. “What better news to receive than…


I am the resurrection and the life

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”‘ John 11:25-26 The beautiful theme of this ridiculously complex and nearly inconceivable passage in John’s gospel is that…


I am on the way

When I was growing up I went to a Christian sleep-away camp that I still hold very fond memories of. Every summer was not complete without my week long stay of bunk beds, camp fires, and endless singing. One of the more popular songs was “Blind Man”. The chorus would repeat “I am the way,…
