Leading up to the Special Council on Human Sexuality in April, the Reformed Church in America has published a series of 21 devotionals to help the denomination and participants prepare. We encourage all Room for All supporters to sign up to receive these devotionals via email and follow along as we pray for the church and particularly those LGBTQ people who are participating.
In addition, Room for All has commissioned a series of 21 Inclusive Prayers and Devotionals written by supporters and friends of Room for All to coincide with and complement the RCA’s series. We will publish those here on OUTsights over the next 21 days.
These readings and prayers are solely the words and opinions of each guest writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of Room for All, their staff, or the board.
Day 5
a prayer from Cameron Van Kooten Laughead
Dear God that we profess to love and follow, be with us.
We call you Love and Mercy, yet we are so often terribly unloving and unmerciful.
We call you Grace and Peace, yet we are an ungracious and turbulent people.
We call you Justice and Righteousness, yet we live in the mire of our own injustice and unrighteousness.
God, we have each taken our own path to you; for some it has been easier than for others. For some it has taken a lifetime, and for others, a short while. As each of tries to follow you and discern your will for our lives and for the life of your church, help us live into those names we call you.
Loving, merciful, gracious, peaceful, just and righteous God, may we each seek to truly reflect you and your being to those around us. May we, your church, be radiant with your spirit to one another and to the world.
In your loving, merciful, gracious, peaceful, just and righteous name,