9 Days of Prayer – Patience

Each day before General Synod gathers in Tucson, we’ll share a new prayer, devotional, or poem submitted by one of RfA’s board members, themed on the Fruits of the Spirit. We also invite you to join us in praying for the delegates and members of the General Synod (the full list can be found here). Today,…


9 Days of Prayer – Peace

Each morning before General Synod gathers in Tucson, we’ll share a new prayer, devotional, or poem submitted by one of RfA’s board members, themed on the Fruits of the Spirit.   We also invite you to join us in praying for the delegates and members of the General Synod (the full list can be found…


9 Days of Prayer – Joy

Each morning before General Synod gathers in Tucson, we’ll share with you a new prayer, devotional, or poem submitted by one of RfA’s board members, themed on the Fruits of the Spirit. We also invite you to join us in praying for the delegates and members of the General Synod (the full list can be…


9 Days of Prayer – Love

Each day before General Synod meets in Tucson, we’ll share a new prayer, devotional, or poem submitted by one of RfA’s board members, themed on the Fruits of the Spirit. We also invite you to join us in praying for the delegates and members of the General Synod (the full list can be found here).…


Rachel Held Evans

I didn’t know Rachel Held Evans.  Of course, I’d heard of her. She was a powerhouse in progressive churchy circles. She had done so much to expand the limited lenses we use to understand God. She was a voice (the voice?) for many evangelically-raised Christians, struggling in a modern world with what their faith means and should look like. And now she’s…


I Was Wrong

One of the gifts of God I am learning to receive is the ability to admit I was wrong. I may have been wrong for many reasons (fear, unwillingness to be open to new ideas, apathy, anger, unsure of where I would end up if I let other ideas go). About 4-5 years ago I…


The Works of God

In June 2018, the RCA General Synod commended the “Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality” for consideration by the Commission on Theology (COT) and the wider RCA.  In response, a diverse group of people from the LGBTQ community, parents, pastors, educators and others shared their thoughts with Room for All and the COT, offering alternative perspectives on a faithful…


Welcome from Jesus

In June 2018, the RCA General Synod commended the “Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality” for consideration by the Commission on Theology (COT) and the wider RCA.  In response, a diverse group of people from the LGBTQ community, parents, pastors, educators and others shared their thoughts with Room for All and the COT, offering alternative perspectives on a faithful…


Statement on Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality

In June 2018, the RCA General Synod commended the “Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality” for consideration by the Commission on Theology (COT) and the wider RCA.  In response, a diverse group of people from the LGBTQ community, parents, pastors, educators and others shared their thoughts with Room for All and the COT, offering alternative perspectives on a faithful…


Unfolding Mysteries

In June 2018, the RCA General Synod commended the “Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality” for consideration by the Commission on Theology (COT) and the wider RCA.  In response, a diverse group of people from the LGBTQ community, parents, pastors, educators and others shared their thoughts with Room for All and the COT, offering alternative perspectives on a faithful…
