Affirmed + Celebrated: A Reformed Theology of Inclusion This document is a report of the Ad Hoc Theology Committee of the Classis of New Brunswick in the Reformed Church in America 2019 and serves as a comprehensive and rigorous academic report supporting LGBTQIA+ affirmation from a Reformed theological perspective.
Clarifying the ‘Clobber Texts’ by Rev. Cari Keith explores scriptural passages sometimes used to challenge LGBTQ welcome and affirmation in communities of faith, and includes a helpful bibliography.
Scripture and Moral Discernment: Report on the consultation among representatives of Formula of Agreement churches.
The Word Made Queer is a collection of Bible based queer positive essays, stories and resources assembled by a large group of contributors, many of whom are seminary students.
What the Bible Says – and Doesn’t Say – About Homosexuality a 24-page booklet by Dr. Mel White
LGBTQIA+ Specific Reads:
RFA LGBTQIA+ Terminology Guide (v. 2) provides an easy to follow explanation of the different components of identity and just some of the terms people identify with within those areas.
The ABCs of Sexuality is a helpful glossary of frequently-used terms in discussions around sexual identity and gender expression
How Teachers can be LGBTQ+ Allies in the Classroom outlines steps education professionals can take to make their classrooms safe for LGBTQ+ students.
The Coming Out Handbook published by the Trevor Project can help LGBTQIA+ people decide what coming out safely looks like for them, with tools and guiding questions based on the experiences of peers.
The LGBTQ+ Guide to Online Safety is designed with LGBTQ+ youth in mind, and emphasizes the importance of not sharing personal information as well as providing easy to follow instructions on reporting and blocking bullies on social media.
The Strong Family Alliance Parent Guide is a great starting place for any care-giving adult needing support after a family member comes out as LGBTQIA+. There are numerous articles backed by research and additional resources within this guide.
RCA Specific Reads:
A Letter to the Hope College President and Board of Trustees from Rev. Dr. Norman Kansfield, March 2011
Model for Faithful Conversations by Rev. Mara Joy Norden
Bringing together threads from socio-political peacebuilding, change management, congregational studies, as well as scripture and theology, this model provides a unique and comprehensive approach that opens space for authentic conversation that builds unity, purity, and peace rather than division.