Room for All is grateful to confirm that two proposed amendments to the RCA Book of Church Order that would have proscribed and enforced the prohibition of same-sex marriage ceremonies in RCA congregations have failed to garner a two-thirds majority of classis approvals required for ratification and are therefore defeated. (As of March 21, amendment #1 (liturgy) has 21 no votes among classes, and amendment #3 (“assure”) has 18 no votes. A minimum of 16 no votes was needed.)
We call upon our denomination and its leaders to confess and repent the exclusion and harm committed against LGBTQ people, and to intentionally seek the affirmation and full welcome of LGBTQ people in the life and ministry of the RCA. We will continue to support, educate, and advocate for this affirmation and welcome until such time as the Reformed Church in America invites all of God’s people into her family. We ask that our allies join us in speaking out and praying for this future.