What a privilege to share the news about the recognition by Union Theological Seminary for the “steadfast and heroic activism” of Dr. Norman J. Kansfield, by conferring a Unitas Distinguished Alumni/ae Award, to “bear witness to the faith and perseverance of living Union alumni/ae who exemplify the Seminary’s academic breadth, its diversity and inclusiveness, and the range of vocations its graduates follow.”
You can read a fuller account in RfA’s latest newsletter, but we encourage you to take 10 minutes to watch the event itself here. And if you’re not familiar with the story of Norm’s trial and where it led in 2005, this video is worth watching.
After all this, if you’re as inspired as we are by Norm’s story, we invite you to designate a gift in his honor. Norm offers this encouragement:
Until last Friday evening (October 5th, 2018), Room for All was the principal witness to the fact that my 2005 trial before the General Synod of the Reformed Church was not the end of anything. Room for All has stood witness to the fact that there is work to do and people who are willing to do it. By this award, Union Theological Seminary, home of my graduate work in Old Testament, has now joined Room for All in making clear that nothing can end our struggle until all LGBTQ persons know full inclusion in the life of the Reformed Church and all churches, and in the legal privileges of the United States. I delight in knowing you are with me in this work.
You may send a check to Room for All, P.O. Box 11495, Albany NY 12211. PayPal and credit card donations or stock transfers are also welcome. Questions? Call us at (201) 364-4538.