Who can predict when, or how, seeds will take root?
Rev. Dr. Mara Joy Norden attended a “Building an Inclusive Church” workshop several years ago, and it led to a practical interrogation of one sentence buried in an appendix in the Toolkit resource that she received at that event. She and her congregation, The Community, in Ada, Michigan, wondered:
What if a congregation isn’t willing to accept that when all is said and done, someone may leave the church? Is there anything more that can be done to engage in faithful conversations when beloved members hold differing views about same-sex relationships?
This question, and Norden’s practical work around it in her own ministry context, formed the basis of her subsequent D.Min. project at Western Theological Seminary. Based on her research, she developed a model so that other congregations can implement “Faithful Conversations” in their contexts. Room for All is grateful that she has shared the model, which has now been added to our collection of resources.