Many written and spoken words are being exchanged throughout the RCA in response to the 2016 General Synod recommendations having to do with amending the Book of Church Order to constitutionalize and “assure” compliance of the 2002 “one man/one woman” marriage liturgy. And that’s as it should be. We believe we’re at our Reformed best when we take seriously — and talk seriously about — what constitutes the church; our polity and our life together depend on it.
In addition, Room for All takes our vision seriously; indeed, we are compelled by it. It drives everything we do to support, educate and advocate for the welcome and full affirmation of people of all sexual identities and gender expressions in the RCA. This resource is no exception. As the classes prepare to vote, considering the recommendations through the lens of RfA’s vision helps us clarify the implications for the life and ministry of the RCA. We hope this is helpful for you, as well.