Our congregation is interested in identifying as a welcoming and affirming place for LGBTQ people. How can we do this?
The Room for All board of directors has recently revised our rostering procedure for Welcoming and Affirming congregations in the RCA to become so identified; the new, simplified process is described here.
If you have any questions about this process for becoming a Room for All congregation, please contact us at 201-364-4538.
Once your church has joined the roster of “Room for All” churches, your church name and address will be listed on our website, along with a link to your church website. You will also receive a certificate suitable for framing that names you as a Room for All congregation. IN ADDITION, YOUR CHURCH WILL BE ADDED TO TWO IMPORTANT ECUMENICAL ROSTERS, that of Believe Out Loud and The Institute for Welcoming Resources . Both of these sites are frequently visited by those looking for a welcoming congregation.
FOR THE LIST OF RCA CONGREGATIONS THAT HAVE ALREADY SIGNED ON, SEE here. Additional pages in this section include sample Welcoming and Affirming statements from RCA congregations and descriptions of their process, an invitation from an RCA retired pastor to consider joining the roster, as well as links to similar documents from other denominations.
How will this change our congregation?
To some extent, that depends on how you live out your affirmation and welcome. Check out our RfA Rostered Churches brochure, listing some ideas for ways to help ensure that your commitment to LGBTQ inclusion becomes an ongoing and organic aspect of your congregation’s life and ministry.